Monday, February 14, 2011

Website development processes by Rhett DeMille

This narration by Rhett DeMille about development process.

Rhett DeMille has developed methodical website processes which help in the development of a website. Rhett DeMille understands that high level steps must be followed and strictly managed, otherwise the projects risks being late and over budget. The best way to build a site is to follow a process like Rhett DeMille has written. An effective development process has an integrated initial sales process, which can be used by multiple personnel. Rhett DeMille and team follow their own development process which has been developed in house and continues to be a work in progress.

Rhett DeMille says the standard type process is typically linear in nature, but some firms use the circular approach. The linear method is preferred over the circular as it has clear starts and clear stops.

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